If machines continue to maintain a firm grip on our throats (and the rest of our body parts), will the human race be reduced to nothing more than a tub of goo? As it stands, that may very well be a possibility sometime within the next 200 years, and that's giving a lenient (less pessimistic) estimate.
Evolution has already reached a standstill, for the most part. As humans our current state is pretty much it. This is the best we're going to do, it seems. There are really no more predators that force us to go into that often prized "survival" mode. If there are any, we can just vaporize them with our weapons. Mankind has asserted its dominance on Earth pretty quickly (given the age of Earth, and the universe for that matter) with no question or real opposition. The challenges humans have faced have been other humans, nature, and the conditions that are manmade- society, hierarchy, corrupt systems of government, etc. It's been a 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
This begs the question- is Earth doomed? Everything is doomed. Should humans become extinct in order to allow Earth to survive? No. Bad humans do not represent good humans or those with the potential for good.
Nothing is strictly black and white. There's a gray ambiguous zone that defines how we live. The theory of a binary universe is flawed based on the fact that not everyone follows the school of thought that everything can or should be classified as good or bad. There's "not good" which doesn't necessarily mean bad, and "not bad" which doesn't necessarily mean good. A constant shifting of definitions makes for fun- which is also defined by the individual though society tries to dictate it to you.
All this also begs the question- are humans killing themselves by relying on machines to do everything? This can be answered with that "yes and no" gray area response. No because some people do legitimately need machines- iron lungs, nebulizers, artificial larynx devices, and so on. Not to mention mass producing goods in order to sustain our economies. Getting more stuff done quicker = more money, basically. Which is the foundation of business. Like you needed anyone pointing that out, it was so obvious.
And in other cases, people don't really need it- TV, for starters. But I have a bias against television though that could be due more to the fact that I'm not a fan of present programming. But that's another story, for another time. It irks me to see people capable of walking, using scooties to travel short distances. Same goes for kids on leashes but that's also another story for another time. And the scootie thing is not so much envy but this bewilderment at how much could let their personal standards regarding their bodies fall. How lazy can you be? If it's a legitimate condition that causes your body to literally become a tub of goo, I can begin to sympathize but even then is any effort being made to not become a tub of goo?
So, will machines kill us? No but laziness will definitely assist. Laziness is the main killer, to be honest. Taking the escalator vs the stairs.
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