This is an old bit of my writing. From 2008, I think.
The fundamental fallacy of anything is that you treat that something for what has been established rather than for what it is. Many times the established notion is outdated, inaccurate, or irrelevant, or a combination of all of them.
Once someone erases that fallacy from their minds, they'll begin to see the world clearly without the need of rose tinted glasses forcibly strapped to our eyes by ideas of the past by living dinosaurs whose idea of a good time consists of sitting in front of the radio or reading the bible. Or a variation of what was once considered fun, now considered boring.
Take life for instance. I don't mean kill. Life, as many people before you have said, is hard. That's not true. You're born, you do stuff, you die. It's just that easy. Life isn't hard, it's the people you encounter that have to ruin the smooth ride for you. They do this by doubting you, discouraging you, making disparaging statements about you, ditching you etc. Life isn't a general thing. You might think that but it isn't. You're confusing that for breathing and movement. That's like saying sea and sea are the same thing. Sea refers to the area where storms are created. Sea also refers to the ocean and all that. So you see life is breathing and all that. And life is individual and unique; just like you! Life, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. If you want to go to school and tire yourself out, that's you. If you want to smoke pot all fucking day and not do a damn thing, that's you.
People tend to thing life is hard. It's not. Just do your own damn thing. It's the damn people that mess it all up. You think you can rely on people all the time, but that's not always true. A lot of times they will let you down. They'll doubt you and bring your world down. What does one do in a situation like that? Whatever they must. That varies on the person and situation. If your friend keeps cockblocking, have a talk or pick up chicks elsewhere. If your boyfriend keeps cheating on you and you keep taking him back, you're an idiot.
Then again, the biggest obstacle you have is yourself. Only you can prevent forest fires. It's true. You do it to yourself, just you and no one else. So what can one take away from these belligerent statements? Nothing really. You shouldn't be taking advice from me anyway. If you are, I thank you but must tell you to go somewhere else to find answers because my answers suck.
The fundamental fallacy with anything is that you tend to take it too seriously. You treat something for what other people have told you it is as opposed to you treating it for what you think it is. Best bet? Wing it.
As you can see, nothing has changed. I made little sense then and I make little sense now.
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