Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring forward

I, and everyone who turns their clock back for daylights savings, lost an hour in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye if you happened to be awake when the switch took place. I know I was. I looked at my computer's clock and it didn't read 2, it read 3. Then I remembered it was basically spring and it was time to change the time. I don't really care about this, even though a lot of people complain that they lost sleep. But then again, sleep is a very valuable thing. More to some than others, I suppose. I'll probably comment on the time change thing later once it becomes noticeable again. But for the time being I will say this:

Despite being aware of the change, I woke up thinking it was 11-something when it was, in fact, almost 1. At which point, I had to change the time on my watch and alarm clock. If I didn't do it now, I would probably never do it later. It's a small hassle that doesn't kill me but not doing would probably hurt me. You see, there's a cable that runs from the base of my spine to my alarm clock and my watch is attached to my wrist in an almost symbiotic pairing. The alarm clock- I can't write the rest because it's pretty dumb and because I didn't think it out. I suppose not being on time would hurt me, and you, and everyone.

Be on time. If your country/region/area observes daylights savings time, adjust your time-keeping devices accordingly. If your country/region/area does not observe daylights savings time, carry on.

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