It's actually been pretty good weather lately. Here, at least. Makes going outside worth it. Of course, I'll probably be complaining about the heat in a few weeks, as humans are wont to do: complain. And get bored easily.
I try not to do too much of the former but the latter is a problem of sorts.
How does one combat boredom? By doin' stuff. But that in itself becomes problematic because you can only do so much until it becomes repetition. Even "doing new things" and "being spontaneous" is eventually going to turn into that boring cycle of despair. Also, it's impossible to live life following a misguided creed based on the lurid expectations of a 16-year old girl. Spontaneity can easily bleed into routine, or instability. That's not be trying to justify safety and a controlled pattern, it's the truth.
To live your life always doing "new" things and all that stuff that actually makes me cringe just reading, is only going to hurt you. Why? Because you'll always be trying to outdo yourself and top yourself and set the bar higher and higher and each time you can't top yourself, you're going to fall a million stories and be so hurt that- you get my point.
As such, you need a balance between stability and spontaneity. It should keep you on your toes for a while.
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