Friday, November 16, 2012


It has been 2 months since I've posted anything. I have scraps of bits of fragments of entries in the drafts but I haven't posted them or finished them.

The reason for this, frankly, escapes me.

If I had to even begin to theorize anything, it'd be that there is an underwhelming desire to write because there's no sense of satisfaction. Or an obvious one, at least.

Not so much that the page views have always been very few but that I don't get any sense of satisfaction from submitting something to the vastness of the internet in the hopes that someone'll read it. This used to be the case, and I would feel good (or at the very least marginally fulfilled) about the idea of someone reading my work and maybe (by a stretch of the imagination) chuckle or spark a thought in their mind. "He brings up a valid point."

While I realize this is implausible, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility, is it?

That being said, this is more of an explanation (and a sorry excuse at that) than a post of substance.

Let's hope I can at the very least find my fortunes (the fortune cookie ones, at this point) so I can have something to submit. Maybe trudging along will help me snap out of this funk.

This is a bad funk, not a good one with wah-wah-fied guitars and dope ass bass lines.

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