Saturday, February 16, 2013

Shut yer gob

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who complain. Don't get me wrong; I complain, too, but I rarely do it. If/when I do complain, it's justified. So, I should be clearer about what I mean.


If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who complain incessantly and/or for no good reason, and don't really do anything about what they are complaining even though it is well within their power/abilities.

I realize that this already sounds like a complaint, which it probably is but for the time being, you're stuck reading what I have to write. And morbid curiosity keeps you here. And your desire to read whatever nonsense I can think of. Oh and you probably have nothing else to do at the moment so you might as well kill a few minutes until you do find something more productive to do.

But back to the topic of people bitching and not lifting a finger to change their predicament...

Some people complain for the dumbest most trivial things. You're on the internet, so you already have a good idea of what I'm talking about. I should comment, however, that when they complain about, you want to be violent and aggressive about the way they complain and what they complain about. You can also find proof fairly quickly (read: I don't have to provide any link to any particular website detailing what I'm talking about.) Even though this is vague, I'm sure you know what I mean.

There is one statement (and its variations) I always have handy whenever someone around me complains. Around me being someone I already know fairly well. And that is: if you're living in the United States (or any "first world"/"developed" country) you really have no reason to complain about anything.

I tend to expound this to people is because they are healthy, capable, and have access to resources that people would kill or generally risk their lives to get.

If you can, you should. If you can but don't, I don't like you. If you can but don't AND complain, I probably hate you.

This is another reason I don't like complaining: it derails the train of thought.

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