Despite how colorful a diet containing more vegetables probably is, I don't think I could ever go from being an omnivore to a herbivore (or vegetarian or vegan). I should point out that I have no problem with herbivores (or vegetarians or vegans) as long as they aren't arrogant, judgmental assholes about my eating habits.
I say omnivore because to say I'm a a carnivore would imply that my diet consists of meat only. That's not true as I also feed on fruits and vegetables. You know, plants. Surprisingly, in equal proportions rather than horribly skewed in one particular direction.
I could never go for cutting animal or animal products out of my diet (for extended periods of time) because I was raised to eat animal and animal products. It's embedded too deeply in me to make me abandon it, if only for a short while unless there was a very compelling reason. Compelling reasons include health reasons and that's really it. I could and would give it a shot but it's not something I could uphold for long periods of time. It's almost dear to me. If you try to take away my steak and I will hurt you. It's natural for humans to devour the flesh of other animals, we've been doing this since pre-recorded history and even with all the propaganda and self-righteous judgmental behavior against consuming meat, we are showing no signs of slowing down. This is especially true if that bizarre bacon addiction is any proof.
Tangent: I like bacon, I really do but it gets so goddamn annoying when the internet (or any other walk of life) is saturated by it. Can we not appreciate something in comparatively quiet awe? Must we resort to praising it as the second coming of Christ? Can't we just chill the fuck out?
I'm fine with the current system of how meat gets processed. I'll admit that it still needs a lot of tweaking but it doesn't bother me to the point of becoming a self-righteous plank and denounce it as the epitome of evil. If there is ever a less cruel way of processing meat, we'll all be much happier. The same way that if there's ever a less cruel way of harvesting, picking, collecting, and distributing plants we'll all be much happier.
What? There's no cruelty when it comes to picking plants? Who the hell told you that? Who picks fruits and vegetables? People. Look up the conditions that they have to deal with and then tell me that system is free of cruelty. Go on.
Fuck. I've made myself really hungry for steak now.
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