Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars

Quiet nights of quiet stars,
quiet chords from my guitar

If only.

I like living where I live, but the damn light pollution fucks everything up. I would like to be able to walk down the street at night, look up at the night sky and gaze at the heavens. To see twinkling specks of distant light and gas peppered across a vast inky infinite void. To feel small and insignificant and humbled by just how fucking big the universe is. I want to see more stars than just Orion's Belt. The ham-fisted imagery is sincere.
This desire for something more is something of a double-edged sword. Not just for me, but for everyone who has ever experienced it at some point in their lives. Some of us want to see more stars than those that are readily available to us. That's not a form of ingratitude but a longing to be able to further appreciate what we already have. What my desire regarding stars boils down to is this: I would like for there to be no light pollution, as it gets in the way of appreciating stars and my place in the universe.

Sometimes, that orange specter that hangs about our night sky looks nice but at what cost?

Yes, one can drive to the mountains or the forest or a place of relatively untamed wilderness to have the eyes and soul bombarded by the sheer sight of the night sky but the point is to be able to appreciate it more readily. To have that seemingly fading gorgeousness be everywhere rather than have to go hundreds of miles out of your way just to see it. The point is to have it everywhere and not have to detach yourself further.

That's just how I see it. I can recognize that there is an accomplishment of some kind in journeying a thousand miles away in order to see that vast, inky sea glimmering across a slice of the universe so infinite and grand.


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