Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Steep and Narrow Crooked Paths: Vice

The right thing to do has always been a problematic concept, for a number of us. Or a majority of us. The right thing seems to be a difficult concept to grasp because our own needs and desires have a tendency of immediately superseding the matters of others (save for our families and sweethearts). I'm in trouble? And the only way to save my ass is to break this window? Okay! Fellow man? Forget that clown!

I realize that first example is pretty stupid but it's pretty apt, don't you think? Replace "break this window" with "break this law" and you pretty much have the same message I was trying to communicate- You choose to NOT do the right thing by doing something you know is wrong.

Does this make one a selfish person? You'd be inclined to say "yes" but you also have to say "no". Why? Because the universe, for the most part, is an enormous coin. As far as we know, there are two sides to everything. Night and Day, yes dusk and dawn encompass both elements but for a moment let's pretend that the universe IS indeed binary. Thanks to this idea, the question of "Am I a selfish person?" gains two answers- yes, and no.

Thinking of yourself and ignoring the will and interests of others makes you a horrible person. Or at the very least a selfish person. Is that so bad? In excess, yes. Why is this bad? You don't actually have to listen to me and do what I say but who knows? Maybe some of my skewered wisdom will rub off on you and your mind will somehow expand, or deflate and then expand by other means. But thinking of the self is bad because you have a responsibility to your environment/the universe. Every action you take creates some ripple that goes through everything and everyone. The tiniest action can set off a chain of events that could lead to great things or terrible things. If you have the means of being able to improve things somehow, you should do it. Because you can and because it's the right thing to do. At least I think so- to move forward and upward collectively, rather than have the individual trump everything and everyone, leaving them in the dust while he enjoys soft clouds and a cool breeze. Upward. Forward. Everyone. The greater good.

As such, taking the course of action that benefits you and only you shirks responsibility to those around you and ultimately yourself.


By thinking too much of myself, I'm doing myself a disservice? Yes.

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