Friday, March 29, 2013

Four Star Daydream

I checked my account the other day. I never had much to begin with but when I checked I was flabbergasted at how little I had left. I shrugged it off because there are more important things than money.

Recently, however, I had a very bizarre conversation that left me with a very strange feeling. One that can best be described as disgust, disappointment, and bitterness rolled into one.

I try not to place importance on money because it'll distract me and make me feel like shit, especially since I don't have much anyway. When others place an enormous amount of importance, it freaks me the hell out.

It freaks me out because it suggests skewed and mixed-up priorities. That they would place more value on an inanimate and intangible idea. Eh. I would prefer it if people weren't so hung up on money but that's the way we've been raised, isn't it? To strive for more. But where does one draw the line?

Surely, there must be a line that separates ambition from dangerous excess. But where is it? And how does one define it? Should it even be defined?

Maybe I just say these things because I'm broke.

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