Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm convinced this is a circular universe, if it even has a recognizable shape. You know, given that the universe is so goddamn vast that it would take a million lifetimes at the speed of traveling at the speed of light to see half of it. Regardless of how vast this universe is, it isn't much of a stretch to imagine that it has some circular design. I can't exactly say the same for existence but just this universe. Maybe another universe is a straight line and nothing ever really returns to normal but everything seems to here.

Lie down, get up, become exhausted, lie down again. Whereas in another universe, it could be: lie down, get up, become exhausted, float to the sky / jump into the ocean. Or some other path.

Though the course may change sometime, rivers always lead to the sea. This only applies to our universe, even with chaos theory in practice. You know, the theory that states that no outcome is ever alike? That things are always different and such?

It's always strange: the path of a boomerang. Depending on how you see it, it's distance growing, the ever powerful circle strengthening its grip in the tasks of the universe, or it's going to hit you if you don't duck or something. A boomerang might not fly back to you in another universe but in this one it will.

Then as it was, then again it will be.

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