Thursday, February 7, 2013

Often Go Astray

The reason my motto (or one of the many mottos I live by) is "wing it" is because when I make plans, something tends to happen that derails said plans. This is unfortunate but it happens. The same idea of plans not coming to fruition can apply to just about everyone. What bothers me the most is not always the fact that the plans have been changed or derailed but that I am often powerless in changing the course of the derailing.

This is unfortunate but it happens. The best thing one can do is just march on. Kind of sad having to do so especially if one's plans were very elaborate and passionate (read: poured a lot of yourself into them).

This isn't to say that one shouldn't look forward to the future because you should. The future is often changing and it always brings new opportunities for things. New experiences, new challenges, new ideas, a never-ending supply of newness.

This isn't to say that one shouldn't do things passionately. No! You should always try to be fiercely passionate about your plans and goals and ideas and pursuits.

Often one just has to trust or believe that things will turn out as expected (or for the best) though this is not always be the case, or appear that way. It is difficult to do so but then again difficult things often yield the best rewards, right?

Hmm. I don't really know what else to write. I often say wing it because it's worked out pretty well for me but you aren't me, are you? What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. All I can really say to anyone whose plans don't work out, or whose plans take a very different turn is to keep going. I find that this approach works very well. Especially because it's one that has been handed down to me several times and it's something I would pass on to others.


You won't always be powerless.

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