Saturday, May 4, 2013


Cynicism starts with cy! Cyanide also starts with cy! Coincidence? Probably. It's not like they can both kill a person. Well, actually they can metaphorically kill parts of a person in different ways. Cynicism will probably kill a person's self-esteem and ruin their day. Cyanide will kill you. Unless you're a Bond villain; in which case, it'll just cause your upper jaw to dissolve and disfigure your face because that's totally what hydrogen cyanide does, Mr. Silva.

I never really noticed how cynical people are because I don't spend my time thinking about them as much as I do thinking about myself or the things I need to get done. I know that I can be cynical sometimes but I tend to hide it very well by being very silly. So much that I can't remove that mask thus blurring the lines between who I am and who I want to be and who I thought I was pretending to be. When cynicism strikes, it stings like hell.

I know I'm supposed to ignore it and just move past it but it's infuriating to have someone piss all over your accomplishments and ideas with their brand of cynical self-centered idiocy. How can one begin to justify wrecking someone's accomplishments with their own petty bullshit? Is there a chemical in the water supply that causes lack of empathy in people? Does misery really love company?

A nerve-wracked beginning driver who essentially climbed a fucking mountain should be able to receive some sort of encouragement rather than get scorned, mocked, and have his confidence reduced to nothingness. As a result of this, he's gonna wanna drive the car off the road!

My advice, if I'm allowed to give any, is to ignore the cynicism and just move forward even if it's difficult because people suck and the poison seeps into your veins and travels to your brain, disdain disdain disdain.

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