Monday, October 27, 2014

Too far

I haven't been able to sleep lately.

As such, I've been taking melatonin in an effort to help me sleep.

The first night, I took a small dosage and didn't feel anything. (In retrospect, this is a good thing.)

The next night, I took five times the recommended dosage and had vivid nightmares but slept enough. (I thought it was unusual but didn't really think anything of it.)

The following night, I took five times the recommended dosage again. I had vivid nightmares and made every effort to wake up when I felt I was getting my head kicked in. As I woke up, still on that border between being asleep and awake, I saw someone standing in my room. I got up and threw a punch at him. I connected but didn't hit anything because it was a hallucination. (I thought it was kind of cool but ultimately decided to alter my path on the matter.)

The moral here is that I am continuously seeking that perfect level of equilibrium where I can be free while still being grounded in a healthy level of dependence.

Full dependence is destructive.

Independence can be a wonderful, glorious thing.

If you can manage to soar without crashing into the sun and the waves of the sea as your wax melts and betrays you.

Bloody melatonin. I didn't think you'd induce nightmares.

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