Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2012: The (Allegedly) Final Frontier

2012 is nigh!
Draw thine swords and spears!
Stab death in the eye!
Stare down thine fears!
2012 is upon us!
Abandon hope for the death to the stream of stars!
The planet, left weak
humans, its scars!
2012 will make Earth crash into Mars!


While it is true that 2012 is upon us, there's really should be no reason to lionize so greatly a rather mundane phenomena: the changing of a year. In a sane and reasonable world, this would be written off as just another year. But as you know, this world is far from sane and reasonable. This rock floating through space is just an enormous madhouse with sanity and irrational behavior clashing at every possible point. Read a history book if you don't believe this.

2012, in a large part of Western culture, is seen as special and unique. Well, the end of 2012 is seen as special and unique albeit somewhat ominous and foreboding. In reality, the closing days of 2012 are just another mystery waiting to be revealed by time. Of course, that doesn't stop our insanity from coming up with theories and ideas. Many of these theories and ideas seem to involve a doomsday, or a poetic ending of some sort to our way of life. A(n) (not very poetic) example being that middling Emmerich movie "2012". I have to admit that at first I was annoyed that such a bad movie could get something so sacred (for want of a better term) and turn it into whatever the hell ran for 2 and a half hours. The point is: some of the things that this 2012 phenomena has inspired are stupid and some are more sane (or far less stupid).

The inspired belief that there is change approaching is all right. There is no mention of widespread devastation but of some sort of transcendence into a higher form of mental thinking (if I recall correctly). Still, I'd rather 2012 actually mean something if people are going to hype it up so damn much. By "mean something", I mean: hopefully something will finally click and we as a population of approximately 7 billion will work together towards helping each other out. Of course, the likelihood of this happening is rather slim as history as countlessly passed down the same story: people, for the most part, are assholes. Another year may or may not make an enormous difference (or live up to the ridiculous hype).

All the hype does is set us all up for an amazing fall. Think back to that y2k millennium bug thing and how people actually snuffed it to avoid that alleged apocalypse. My prediction for 2012: not much. There might be some degree of change but it won't come in the form of enormous earth shattering tidal waves or even extraterrestrials (though that would be neat). The only thing that can be said with certainty is: it's a mystery.

Regardless of aliens or poles shifting, I'll do in 2012 what I've always done every year: try. Try to be good, try to do good [sic], try my best, and etc

Yeah, for some reason, the optimist in me won't die.

And that's pretty damn good.

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