Sunday, April 29, 2012


Merriam-Webster defines "laugh" as:
"To show mirth, joy, or scorn with a smile or explosive sound; also: to become amused or derisive."

Another dictionary defines "laugh" as:
"To make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of contempt."

The second one is pretty dramatic, no? Still, they mean the same thing, and it's not something one should have to define because it's a fairly universal experience shared by all. More often than not, laughter is induced by something funny (which again, is fairly difficult to actually define and put into words because humor varies from person to person- not that I had to tell you that). And other times it is caused by something sad, that you find funny. Or you're being tickled. The point being there's always an obvious stimulus that triggers laughter. Or giggling and chuckling, if that's your thing.

Or is there?

Do you ever have those moments where you just want to laugh? Sometimes for no reason whatsoever? Sometimes, you just burst into a fit of laughter and people ask you what's wrong but you just can't figure it out. Have you ever had that happen? It's a strangely comforting feeling because you know you're human and all that good stuff.

You can argue that there's nothing really awesome about being human and that humans are generally scum but I'd say that we're magnificent scum. Villainous, vile, jolly, incredible beings, and all that optimistic jazz. But that's another story another time. This particular post is about laughter.

Spontaneous, explicable, inexplicable laughter. A violent ballet of merriment engulfs the being and ensnares the vessel. For a while you aren't entirely in control because you can only communicate by saying "ha" in varying pitch and tone. Sure, you might be able to squeak out a monosyllabic word or two but cannot entirely communicate what the hell is happening. Those fits are fun.

I knew someone who didn't like it when I made them laugh. Probably because I did it to excess but to complain? I always thought it was weird especially because it's not like I ever tried to make light of a serious subject or situation. Sure, I made that person laugh a lot, and spent a lot of time trying (and succeeding about 9/10 times) but still. I was oft accused of "trying to kill [that person]" with laughter.

But I've also met people who don't like gelatin or yogurt. So this isn't very weird. Or maybe I'm weird? No, that's not it. We're all weird. Some more than others, by means of perspective, technicalities, and trick angles.


And the scribe grinned wolfishly.

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